Get an In Home Vitamin D Blood Test

Should You Get a
Vitamin D Test?

Research is beginning to show that Vitamin D is more important to health than ever imagined. Researchers are finding that a HUGE percentage of the population, up to 85%, is Vitamin D Deficient.

And because of this, researchers are now recommending that EVERYONE get a Vitamin D Blood Test done every year.

Major Vitamin D Researchers have found that up to 75% of Breast and Colon Cancers could be completely prevented if everyone were to have Vitamin D Levels of between 40-60 ng/ml on a Vitamin D Test.(11) This level is MUCH HIGHER than the so-called ‘normal’ level on the Vitamin D Blood Test Laboratory Slip that comes from the lab. Watch the video below to find out why testing is so important.

So, is YOUR Vitamin D Level between 40 to 60 ng/ml? If you don’t get a Vitamin D Test, then you will never know… and not knowing is putting you at risk for PREVENTABLE diseases like Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer, Heart Disease and the holy grail of health claims ‘All Cause Mortality’!!!

As a result, researchers now recognize that we need MUCH LARGER DOSES of Vitamin D than were previously believed in order to have Optimal Health.

You Might Need Up To Twenty Times
Governmental Recommendations in many cases!
Symptoms that are often puzzling or considered unfortunate “Diseases of Civilization” are, more and more often, being linked to Vitamin D deficiency.

Should YOU get a Vitamin D Blood Test?

If You are Vitamin D Deficient
You May be at Higher Risk of:

* Osteoporosis(2)
* Musculoskeletal Pain (3)
* Low Back Pain or other Chronic Pain Conditions
* Periodontal Disease
* Heart disease (6)
* Diabetes(6)
* Autoimmune disease (5)
* Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer and other cancers
* More colds and flus


What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You…
In fact, even if you are Young and Healthy, you may STILL be at risk. Even infants, children and teenagers are being found to have Vitamin D Deficiency in STARTLING Numbers.


Vitamin D Deficiency may be as high as
85% of the population- even in Sunny areas!

Because Vitamin D Deficiency is being linked to Such a Wide Variety of Diseases researchers recommend you have a Vitamin D Test as part of your routine physical assessment.(5)

The Vitamin D Test using Blood Spot Technology is great if you:

* Want to test your children

* Are a busy Professional or Parent

* Want to avoid the pain of traditional blood testing


* Want to test a housebound relative


Do Yourself a Favor and Get a Vitamin D Blood Spot Test Now.

In-Home Vitamin D
Blood Spot Test
Just $57.79

How it Works

1) A Test Card and Kit is Mailed To You
2) You Put a ‘Drop’ of blood onto the Card. No Blood Draw Required.
3) You Mail the Card back to the lab
4) I’ll send you the results

The Current RDA is “Woefully Inadequate” according to many researchers!


A “Call to Action” to increase the RDA minimum to 2000 IU’s per day is being recommended by a conglomeration of Vitamin D researchers. (12)

If you were to try to get this amount in food, EVERY DAY you would need to consume:

* 20 glasses of Vitamin D fortified milk OR
* 12 ounces of Salmon


Unless you happen to eat plenty of sun-dried mushrooms, organ meat, or Fish Roe every day- you Cannot Meet these Recommended Requirements in Food Alone!

The Sun is the Only Other Good Source of Vitamin D!

Yet doctors are recommending virtually no sun exposure due to the risk of skin cancer.

So the vast majority of people cover up, wear long sleeves and/or put on sunscreen before they go in the sun-

Effectively Blocking All Vitamin D Production!

And if you live North of 37 degrees Latitude,
you get NO VITAMIN D FROM THE SUN from September through April- even IF you expose your skin to the sun.

It’s a phenomenon called “Vitamin D Winter” where the sun’s rays get screened out before they hit our skin.

It’s no wonder that almost 85% of the population is Vitamin D Deficient!

Are YOU Vitamin D Deficient?
You’ll Never Know Unless You Get a Vitamin D Test!

In-Home Vitamin D
Blood Spot Test
Just $57.79


How it Works

1) A Test Card and Kit is Mailed To You
2) You Put a ‘Drop’ of blood onto the Card. No Blood Draw Required.
3) You Mail the Card back to the lab
4) I’ll send you the results


Think You Couldn’t Have Vitamin D Deficiency?


That’s what researchers thought when they went to sun drenched Hawaii. They thought that people living in Hawaii couldn’t possibly be Vitamin D deficient.

But they were wrong too!

* People living in Hawaii who got 28 hours of sun exposure per week WITHOUT sunscreen were Still Vitamin D deficient!!(9)

* New Mother-Baby Pairs in Sun Drenched Greece were found to be Vitamin D deficient. With 19% ‘SEVERELY DEFICIENT’! In Athens, Greece!

Still think that you are getting enough Vitamin D?

There’s Only One Way to Find Out!

Are YOU Vitamin D Deficient?
You’ll Never Know Unless You Get a Vitamin D Test!



In-Home Vitamin D
Blood Spot Test
Just $57.79


How it Works

1) A Test Card and Kit is Mailed To You
2) You Put a ‘Drop’ of blood onto the Card. No Blood Draw Required.
3) You Mail the Card back to the lab
4) I’ll send you the results


Vitamin D Test Research Cited

(1) MacLaughlin J, Holick MF. Aging decreases the capacity of the human skin to produce Vitamin D . J Clin Invest. 1985;76(4):1536-8.

(2) Need AG, et al. The effects of age and other variables on serum parathyroid hormone in postmentopausal women attending an osteoporosis center. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004:89(4)1649-9.

(3) Plotnikoff GA, et al. Prevalence of severe hypovitaminosis D in patients with persistent, nonspecific musculoskeletal pain. Mayo Coin Proc. 2003;78(12):1463-70

(4) Worstman J, et al. Decreased bioavailability of vitamin D in obesity. Am J Cin Nutr. 2000;72(3):690-3.

(5) Holick MF. Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and prevention of autoimmune diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80(6 Supple):1678S-88S.

(6) Zitterman, A. Vitamin D and disease prevention with special reference to cardiovascular disease. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2006;92(1):39-48

(7) Need AG, et al. Effects of skin thickness, age, body fat,a nd sunlight on serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993;58(6):882-5

(8) Hollis BW, et al. Vitamin D requirements during lactation: high dose maternal supplementation as therapy to prevent hypoviaminosis D for both the mother and the nursing infant. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004;80 (6 Suppl: 1752S-8S.

(9) Binkley, N, et al. Low Vitamin D Status despite Abundant Sun Exposure Journal of Clin Endocrinology and metabolism. 2006 Vol. 92, No. 6 2130-2135

(10) Nicolaidou P, et al. Low vitamin D status in mother-newborn pairs in Greece. Calcif Tissue Int. 2006 Jun;78(6):337-42. Epub 2006 Jul 7

(11) Disease Incidence Prevention Chart

(12) Vitamin D Scientists Call to Action

*** None of the preceding statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent disease.

Get a
Vitamin D Test Today
No Blood Draw!
Only $57.79


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* Sent Right to Your Home
* Done on Just a Spot of Blood
* No Prescription Needed
* Even Test Children Easily